Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Throw her out the window

When my youngest was a little girl she and her brother were playing upstairs on the window box. She was getting a "ride" on the window seat while he was making it go up and down. Well as he lifted the lid really high she went by the screen and popped the screen out. She fell out the 2nd floor window. All the kids came running down the stairs yelling that she fell out the window. The neighbor lady came running from across the street yelling that she saw my daughter fall out the window. I thought she had probably fallen out the front window on the porch roof and went out to look but the neighbor lady went around to the side of the house. There was my little one lying very still on the ground. I waited until I saw her move then I scooped her up in my arms and took her into the house. I called my brother from his room (he was briefly staying with us) and took her to the hospital. I held onto her hand and when she started to close her eyes I would shake her hand and call her name and I did not let her fall asleep. I got to the hospital and they did some tests and then sent her by ambulance to another hospital that had a neuro surgeon. She was in Pediatric Intensive Care and they ran tests all night. I prayed for two things: That the doctors would be guided to find out what was wrong with her and treat it, and if there was nothing wrong with her that the doctors would know that and send her home soon.

The next morning they sent her home and all was well. Nothing more than a scratch. It could have been so different because there was a cement window well just a few inches one way and some cut off bush ends sticking out of the ground the other way. She had asked Grandma about the lady that she saw and Grandma told her it was her Guardian Angel that had caught her on the way down. I had no other explanation on why she did not have damage and injury.

Now, this is not the end of the story. My little one is all grown up and she has little ones of her own. It wasn't that long ago that her little girl fell out of a 2nd story window. She was sent from one hospital to another and had a lot of tests as well. My granddaughter ended up just fine. Talk about De Javu' all over again. My daughter can take comfort in knowing that she had a Guardian Angel to help her and one to help her daughter. We go through life thinking we are doing things all on our own. We aren't. There are tangible angels and intangible angels helping us. As I think about my life and all the things that have happened to me, my husband, and my children there is an undenyable fact that Heavenly Father loves us and sends help through our trials of faith.


Amy said...

that is so true, thanks for sharing that great story!

EmmaP said...

awesome. now we all have all the facts on this story! kienna wrote a narrative for school recently, and it was about a lady in a white dress she saw... i am planning to blog about it soon.

purplehaze said...

Awesome story and you did it again with the tissue!! It is so true about guardian angels I truly believe. Things that happen to me I think wow there had to be an angel with me on that day! Thanks for the story.