Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thank you for being an American

My army son came to visit us for the holidays. He flew a flew different airlines to get here. On the way Delta gave him a first class seat for being a soldier. On another airline a passenger in first class volunteered his seat to my soldier. Those around him emcouraged him to take it, and I could sense that they also felt the pride in our nation. Bless that man for his selfless gesture. On the flight home my son was also given first class by the airline.

What moved me was the care that they gave him, almost an honor, or a thankyou for his service. Here were other people showing care for our son that we love so dear.

Thank you all for the flags you fly, for the flag pins you wear on your lapel, for the hand over your heart when you sing the national anthem, or stand when you see that flag go by you in a parade.
Thank you for being an American and not being afraid to show it.


Ruthykins said...

yeah, he texted me that he got first class. that's so nice that people are willing to do that.

Puphigirl said...

and I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died who gave their life for me.

greenolive said...

I didn't know that somebody actually gave up their seat, he just told me they bumped him up. That is so great. I'm glad they were so willing to show their gratitude and patriotism.

EmmaP said...

how nice. i am always one that gets emotional during the national anthem or pledge of allegiance. i take it EJ was wearing his uniform then?

okeydokeyifine said...

Yep, his fatigues.