Thursday, May 21, 2009


I had a "Whoa" moment...

Back in March I injured my right arm. After chiropractic care, and specialist care my arm is finally on the mend. I have a pool in the back yard that has a Yurt around it so that the air and water are warm and I can do exercises in there. I do the exercises I was instructed to do and I always do feel better after the 45 minutes.

Yesterday I was resting in bed a while and thought that I would wake up in the afternoon to go exercise in the pool. Well, I woke up at 1:30 pm and thought "I am still sleepy and what would it matter if I skipped a day". Well all of a sudden the words to the Hymn "How Firm a Foundation" came to mind: 'I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand..." Whoa!!!! Can't get much clearer than that. I have prayed that my arm gets healed and I have had a blessing. I have the time and means to do the aquacizes... So I got out of bed to exercise, and yes I did feel better.

I am thankful for a Heavenly Father that cares about my everyday things that He would encourage me to get OOB and get with the program.


Puphigirl said...

Does OOB stand for Out Of Bed?

Good for you for getting out of bed. I too have those days where I put arising early to read scriptures and exercise. I've noticed that if I skip this my day doesn't go as well.

purplehaze said...

Glad you are on the mend. I forgot to ask you about your arm the other night.

Ruthykins said...

nice. i also did not know what oob stood for, but i agree with puphi. it must be out of bed. way to use abbreviations nobody knows. does your arm hurt that much that you couldn't type out the whole words.

greenolive said...

That's awesome that those few lines were what you needed to hear in your mind to get you to do your part in your healing. I thought OOB meant off of butt. Out of bed makes more sense. Good blog, it gave me a boost.

EmmaP said...

i was just talking to my neighbor about this yesteday. she said she notices that her day often goes, depending on what she does within the first hour of waking up. for example, if in the FIRST hour she prays, reads scriptures gets right up and "gets going", her day ends up being pretty good. If she lays around in bed too long - then she feels sluggish the rest of the day. i think it is good advice...